Private Yoga Retreat in Mexican paradise
Retreat for Singles and Couples
Runs all year. Contact to confirm your dates.
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico
The yoga program specially created for your physical conditions, needs and goals. This is the one yoga retreat that will rejuvenate your body and recharge your mind. It is specifically designed for you, wether you are looking to simply stretch and recharge, or to manage any kind of pain in your body. My classes are always open level.
You will stay in my home on the beach in your personal room with a private bathroom. Every morning we will enjoy our daily yoga practice and meditation. Magical Oaxacan healers, shamans, osteopaths will be at your service, just make your choice. And the rest of the day you can spend in a hammock reading a book, gazing at the ocean, surfing the waves, enjoying beaches and local restaurants, known for fresh and cheap seafood. The area is VERY safe and tranquil and people are extremely friendly.
This 4-day retreat includes (length can be extended):
3 Yoga Classes and Meditation
1 or 3 Healing Sessions of your choice (See the Full List)
3-night Upscale Accommodation
3 Vegetarian Breakfasts

private Tantra massage Retreat
Retreat for Couples
Runs all year. Contact to confirm your dates.
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico
The program tied to your needs and goals as a couple. You will learn the art of tantric massage, explore aspects of femininity and masculinity on each chakra, and the ways it influences personality, relationships and even habits. Learn ways to balance and sublime energies for a fuller and more harmonious life.
You will stay in a specious private room with a private bathroom. Every morning, you will enjoy a daily Tantric practice and a Hatha yoga class in the evening. And the rest of the day you can spend in a hammock reading a book, gazing at the ocean, surfing, enjoying beaches and local restaurants, known for fresh and cheap seafood. The area is very safe and tranquil and people are extremely friendly.
This 5-day retreat includes (length is flexible):
2 Tantric Massage Classes and/or 2 Tantric Massages
3 Private Yoga Sessions (+extra)
4-night Upscale Accommodation
4 Vegetarian Breakfasts

Free Your Back
Body Awareness Yoga Retreat
Coming Up...
It holds your head up, supports heavy lifting, and gives you flexibility. Can you guess who it is? I’m not describing your perfect partner. I’m talking about your spine!
Roughly 80% of people living an urban lifestyle experience back pain at some point in their lives. If you are one of them and looking for pain relief, this retreat is for you! Begin by understanding your spine and aligning yourself, because you can be PAIN-FREE!
In this retreat you'll obtain priceless knowledge of osteopathy and self-massage. You'll also become acquainted with a unique set of Japanese and Chinese methods to cure back pain, as well as yoga asanas, acupressure mats and other techniques used by ancient gurus and yogis in India for healing. We will reboot energy, send fresh blood to the right directions, break old incorrect patters of sitting, standing and walking, and create an overall awareness of the body alignment.
This retreat includes:
2 Daily Yoga Classes for Back and Meditation
Essential Lectures on Spine Structure, Yoga Anatomy and Self-Massage
1 Full-Body Massage and Osteopathic Consultation
Temazcal (Traditional Mexican Sweat Lodge Ceremony)
Sunset Hike to La Punta Comet
6-night Upscale Accommodation
6 Vegetarian Breakfasts and Dinners

The Art of Being a Woman
Retreat for Conscious Women
Coming Up..
Zazil Retreat, San Agustinillo, Oaxaca, Mexico
The beautiful wise woman at our core might starve without proper nourishing, care and love. A culture of shame and men domination has limited our ways to flourish as confident women. This retreat is created for you to awaken and bring your raw essence for the world to see and enjoy.
We will discuss all the main “taboo” topics: orgasms, pelvic floor, periods, relationships, sexual compatibility of partners, dive deep in the sacred tantric knowledge and practices and much, much more!
You will be able to release old patterns and open to the power of the universal feminine energies; let go of sufferings, traumas, and guilt while creating room for a healthy and exciting present; restore the connection between your sexual creative energy, mind and body; realize and embrace the perfection of your unique personality and divine feminine nature.
Together, we will draw a path to unconditional self-love. This week is about you: work, kids and obligations will just have to wait. Be open to discovering the beautiful, radiant, orgasmic you. There is no need to pretend, act or plan anything. Follow your intuition and cross the gate to your inner temple of divine beauty, power and self-love.
This retreat includes:
Daily Yoga for Women and Meditation
Daily Lectures on Archetypes of the Main Indian Goddesses, Pelvic Floor Structure, Types of Orgasms, Balance of Feminine and Masculine Energies, etc.
Self-love Kit: Jade Yoni Egg, Eve cup and more...
- Temazcal (Traditional Mexican Sweat Lodge Ceremony)
Sunset Hike to La Punta Cometa
Surprise Fun Field Trips… Shhh!
Feminine Circles to Cultivate Trust and Sisterhood
Tarot Nights
6-night Upscale Accommodation
6 Vegetarian Breakfasts and Dinners